2018 - Our year so far
Saturday 6th January
Our Sunday School attended the pantomime Peter Pan at The Marlowe Theatre which was a Christmas present for their faithful attendance each Sunday.
All the children enjoyed their trip out - Oh yes they did !
Sunday 7th January
Vision and Committment Sunday
The theme of this years Vision and Committment Sunday is Living as Disciples - Every Day, in Everything and Everywhere.
This theme is based on the bible verse found in 2 Peter Chapter 1 verse 3 - "His divine power has given us everything we need for life."
More about this theme can be found on The Salvation Army's website, including a video of a number of people taking about what it means to them to be a disciple of Jesus. You can view all the material by following the link below.
Wednesday 24th January
Our first bible study of 2018 was held at 7pm at our officer's home.
Sunday 28th January
Corps Fellowship Meal
Following our morning meeting many of us joined together for our Corps Fellowship Meal. We had a traditional roast dinner, with roast port and turkey followed by apple crumble for pudding.
Sunday 4th February
Launch of our Self-Denial Appeal
Our prayer meeting was led by John Williams.
Our morning meeting was led by Steven Parks - the theme was 'Giving up is only half the story'.
Our officers, Kook-Hwan and Hean-Suk were on a well deserved break.
Our Self-Denial appeal an annual event where members of the church are encouraged to give towards the work of The Salvation Army. In 2017 the amazing amount of £1.15 million pounds.
Wednesday 14th February
Six week Lent Bible Study
We commenced the first of our Lent Bible Studies.
The theme of our lent bible studies was prayer. As a result of these meetings it was decided to start a weekly prayer meeting on a Wednesday evening at 6.45pm.
Saturday 24th February
Messy Church
We held our 'Olympic Messy Church', our theme inspired by the winter olympics and para-olympics being held in South Korea, the home country of our commanding officers, Kook Hwan and Hean Suk.
The children took part in a number of activities which included:-
The children then shared in worship which included
We thought about how much training it takes an athelete to prepare for the olympics. We then thought about what kind of training we need to do as Christians - praying and reading our bibles.
We then shared together in a meal (thank you again to Vicky for preparing and cooking the food).
Sunday 11th March
Mothering Sunday
Our Sunday School led our Mothering Sunday meeting.
Congregation Songs included:-
The children also led the chorus "Lift Jesus higher" that we had learnt at our Messy Church a few weeks before.
The children performed a play based on the Prodigal Son, where one narrated the story with the other children acting it out.
The Band played a march "God is good", with the children providing some additional percussion on the tamborines.
The songsters were joined by the children in singing the children's song "He made me" with the children also adding some actions.
THe children also helped with a presentation about the Fruits of the Spirit and handed out bunches of daffodils to all the mums in the congreation.
Monday 12th March
South East Division Prayer Gathering
Kook Hwan, Hean Suk, Brian Bamford and John Williams all attended the South East Division Prayer Gathering at Canterbury Salvation Army. The gathering took place between 10am and 12noon.
Saturday 17th March
Undercroft Market Sale
Unfortunately due to the snow and icy conditions it was necessary to cancel our sale at the Undercroft (under the Town Hall in the High Street). We hope to be able to request another date later in the year.
Saturday 25th March
Palm Sunday
The Band and Songsters led our Palm Sunday meetings.
The theme of the meeting was "A Journey - by Jesus, by each one of us, by our Church."
Our congregational songs were
Our meeting was a family service where the children took part in a Palm Sunday quiz where they won various prizes that enabled them to then make their own Easter Baskets.
People were invited to write prayers for people close to them and for the church onto different coloured footprints. The children then assisted in sticking these to a large cross.
Palm Sunday prayers were read by Doreen and Maureen.
Mission Prayers were read by Roger and David
The following bible readings were included:-
Roger performed a vocal solo of the song "Broken for me"
The Band played a march - "Rise and Shine".
The Band accompanied the Songsters in singing "Beyond the Blue"
We also had the first performance by our newly formed recorder group. Maria who has performed a number of recorder solos in our meetings has been busy helping one of our children, Emma play. She has also been teaching a group who attend our Home and Family Meeting on Tuesday afternoons. The group included Kook Hwan, Hean Suk, Emma, Jeff, Brian and John. One piece included the group playing in 3 parts.
Following the meeting, the Band played the rousing song "I'll go in the strength of the Lord".
Monday 26th March to Friday 30th March
Prayer Week
Our hall was open each day between
9am and 11am
2pm and 4pm
7pm to 9pm
The hall was set out to assist people in their meditations and prayers, including a 'sensory walk' (see below photos). This prayer week was something we started a number of years ago which has now become a regular event. Everyone who attends, every for a short time, comments on how inspirational they feel.
Friday 30th March
Good Friday Service
We held our Good Friday Service at 10.30am.
As always this is a very moving time of reflection and fellowship where we remember the loving sacrifce Jesus made for each one of us on the cross.
Our meeting started with Hean Suk and Abigail carrying in a cross from outside the hall.
The hall was still set as it has been for our Prayer Week.
Congregational Songs were:-
The songsters sang the simple yet lovely song called "I met you at the cross".
The band played the wonderful Easter transcription "All in the April evening". The band also played the tune "Near the cross". The words of the 1st verse and chorus (written by Fanny Crosby) are:-
Jesus, keep me near the cross;
There a precious fountain,
Free to all, a healing stream,
Flows from Calvary's mountain.
In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever;
Till my raptured souls shall find rest beyond the river.
3 readings of "The anchor points of the cross" were read by members of the congreation during the meeting.
Our fellowship together was very moving and God's loving presence was felt very strongly.
Sunday 1st April
Easter Sunday
We celebrated Easter Sunday with a cooked breakfast at 9am. Thank you to Vicky, Yvonne and Steven for all the cooking.
Our family service was held at 10.30am. Our children took part in an Easter Egg hunt. They each found 3 different coloured eggs. Each different colour egg contained a different meaning.
After our meeting we gathered together outside our hall for our now traditional church photograph (see below).
We then headed up to Deal Pier where we held a short open air meeting.
The Band accompanied the singing of He Lives, When I survey the wondrous cross, The old rugged cross, Here is love vast as the ocean and Thine be the Glory.
Our Sunday School children helped by offering chocolate eggs to people listening and passing by.
Saturday 28th April
Messy Church
We held our regular Messy Church on the theme of "the sea".
Saturday 12th May to Saturday 19th May
Christian Aid Week
We joined with other churches in the town to contribute to the Christian Aid Week.
Prayer Meeting - Sunday 13th May
Steven Parks organised an annual prayer meeting. A small group of people attended and shared songs, prayers and watching a video from the Christian Aid Website about the work of partner agenices in Haiti.
Sunday 13th May
Candidates Sunday
Our commanding officers, Kook-Hwan and Hean-Suk were away with our Corps Secretary, Brian Bamford and John Williams at a Natural Church Development conference.
Our meeting was led by Major Bob Hart. The meeting was focused on the bible passage in Ephesians Chapter 6 - The Whole armour of God.
Sunday 20th May
Pentecost Sunday
We had 31 adults and 8 children in our morning meeting and sunday school. When we entered the hall we were greeted with bunting hung in two rows the length of the hall and a number of balloons.
Following the usual singing of our Corps Chorus - Here is the place (Salvation Army Song Book No 757), we started with the singing of Salvation Army Song Book no 326 - O God of burning, cleansing flame - the words written by the Founder of The Salvation Army, William Booth. This was accompanied by our Band playing the more modern tune 'send the fire'.
The band later played an arrangement of the same tune.
The songsters sang the song 'His Provision'.
The message was on the theme of 'Great Days' based on the bible scripture from Acts Chapter 2 verses 1 - 21.
The meeting concluded with the song "There is a Redeemer."
Sunday 17th June
Father's Day Meeting
Our songs for Father's Day were "God who touchest earth with beauty" (Salvation Army Song Book No 320), "Abba Father, let me be (Salvation Army Song Book No 563) and "God's love is as high as the heavens" (Salvation Army Song Book No 24).
The Band played "Marching Saints" which was very popular with the congregation.
The Songsters sang "Love divine, all loves excelling".
The message was "Four different ways we can understand God" - The Father, A Father, My Father and Our Father.
All the men in the congregation were given book marks (see below image). On the rear was a verse from scripture - Psalm Chapter 28 verrse 7 "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him and I am helped..."
Saturday 23rd June
Youth Outing
Our Sunday School children travelled to Chessington World of Adventures for their summer outing. We were blessed with the continued good weather. The children (and adults) had a great day looking at the animals, enjoying the rides as well as not forgetting the lovely ice creams. Some pictures are included below.
Sunday 1st July
Open Air Praise - Deal Memorial Bandstand
We koined with other churches at 5.30pm for a Deal Churches Together Songs of Praise.
We thank Canterbury Salvation Army Band for supporting us again at this event.
Prior to the event Kook Hwan and Hean Suk errected a gazebo and supplied us all with a picnic which was much appreciated.
It was a blessing to share in song and fellowship with members of other churches.
Saturday 7th July
Praise & Worship Meeting
Our worship band led an evening of praise and worship. All the songs were chosen by Kook Hwan and Hean Suk with bible readings inbetween. Almost 70 people attended the meeting and it was good to see some people from our weekly meetings and other churches attend to say a 'farewell' to our officers.
Call to worship Philippians Chapter 4:4-6
Corps Chorus Here is the place
Song 389 Rejoice! Rejoice! (3) Tune 807
Bible Reading 1 John 15: 15 & 16
Song 795 What a friend we have (3) Tune 385
Bible Reading 2 Romans 12: 1
Song 636 All to Jesus I surrender (5) Tune 333
Bible Reading Matthew 6: 33&34
Song 675 Seek ye first (3) Tune 818
Bible Reading Hebrews 1: 3
Song 49 How great thou art (4) Tune 488
Bible Reading Galatians 5: 1
Song 204 There is a Redeemer (3) Tune 881
Bible Reading Mark 12: 10& 11
Song 861 In Christ alone (4) Tune 132
Bible Reading Romans 10: 9 &10
Song 509 O boundless Salvation (7) Tune 506
Bible Reading 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 - 18
Song 444 Give to Jesus Glory (chorus only) Tune 308
Sunday 8th July
10.30am - Farewell Meeting
We held an emotional farewell meeting for our commanding officers.
We were pleased to see almost 60 people in the hall.
The Band played the popular "Marching Saints" at the begining of the meeting and played an arrangement of "Thank you" as their message.
The Songsters presented a rousing rendition of O Boundless Salvation in which the children joined in with enthusiastic flag waving for the last verse.
There were contributions from the recorder group and farewell messages from Stephen Winsdor and Brian Bamford. During Brian's message gifts were also presented. A frame picture of Deal, a book of watercolours of Deal and gift vouchers were presented. Earlier in the meeting the children prepared a farewell banner and presented Kook Hwan and Hean Suk with Salvation Army officer teddy bears.
The highlight of the meeting was a presentation by the children on the passage from Ephesians Chapter 6 - The Whole Armour of God. This included the children dressing up Kook Hwan and Hean Suk in armour whilst saying thank you and reading prayers.
Following the meeting we all joined together in our lower hall for a buffet (thank you to Yvonne and Vicky for their hard work in preparing the food).
Band When the saints
Corps Chorus Here is the place
Call to worship Psalm Chapter 67 verses 1 – 3
Opening Song 261 Shine, Jesus shine Tune 822
Opening Prayer John Williams
Bible Reading John Chapter 15: verses 1 – 8
Recorder Group
Children to make banner
Song 944 Just where he needs me (3) Tune 491
Announcements & Offering
Band Thank you (No 15 in red book)
Song He made me
Children The whole armour of
Song 367 I am a new creation Tune 667
Message from the Corps Treasurer
Songsters O boundless
Bible Reading John Chapter 15: verses 9 – 17
Message from the Corps Secretary
Closing Song 451 Would you be free Tune 945
Benediction 1037 Praise God, I’m saved Tune
Band after meeting Tune 451 (Song 1027)
Sunday 22nd July
Welcome Meeting for our new Commanding Officer
We welcomed Lt Kate Gregory and her husband Scott, and son Louis into our church family. Kate has been appointed as our commanding officer (minister) and we are looking forward to a future together gloryfying God.